(65) 8754 4589 admin@pianolessonssg.com

About Us



Who We Are

We are the leading platform for piano teachers in Singapore that features some of the most passionate and quality piano teachers. Through constant feedback from customers and our screening system, we select and filter out piano teachers to work with. That means that you would be able to learn to play the piano from a qualified teacher that meets your criteria!

What We Do

We arrange private piano lessons for Singaporeans of all ages based on your requirements. You get to request for the piano lessons to be conducted at your preferred timing and location.

How We Do

We invite our customers to provide feedback on their allocated piano teacher. This allows us to continuously improve our service and commitment to you! If you are not satisfied with the piano teacher allocated to you, feel free to inform us after the first lesson and we will arrange for a replacement piano teacher from the second lesson onward. Help us to help you!